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Setting up Your Players or Teams

A demo video of setting up your league can be found by clicking this link.

  1. OverView
  2. Individual Player Leagues
  3. 2-Person Team Leagues
  4. Replacing Players
  5. Change Player/Team Count Mid-Season
  6. Trouble Shooting Your Setup


Golf League Tracker is designed for golf leagues with a set number of players. The player count is set in the league setting #69, called "Number of Players". Each of those players must be assigned a player or team number (depending if you're an individual player league, or a 2-person team league). Points which a player wins gets assigned to that player/team number. If you have a sub, those points the sub wins gets applied to that player/team number, and this is how the standings are determined.

If you have a variable number of players who play each week, you still need to tell the system how many players you need to keep track of in the standings, because points are assigned to player numbers, and the schedule is set using player numbers.

The Number of Players Setting is Important!

The number of players value which is set drives many things in Golf League Tracker:

  • It tells the software how many players are playing each week
  • It tells the software how many tee times you have
  • It tells the software how many teams you have, if you're a 2-person team league
  • It controls the scheduling

Individual Player Leagues

1. Set the Player Count

You first need to tell Golf League Tracker how many regular players can be scheduled to play each week in your league. This is done in the league settings, and by change setting #69, the "Number of Players" setting. Do not include subs in this count. If you have a variable number of players who play each week, you still need to set this, and it would have to be set to the maximum number of players you want to track. Each regular member of your league needs to be included in this count so they appear in the League Standings.

  • If you have an odd number of players, you will need to set the player count to 1 more than what you have, and you'll have to create a "ghost" player to fill in the last spot.

2. Add Your Players

Once your player count is set, you will enter the player names into the system. Go to Administration -> League Setup -> Step 2-Maintain the Player List. Add your players as necessary. If you're setting up your league for another season after returning, you may need to remove players from this list, and add other players. If you're removing old players, you will need to change the status of the old player to either "Substitute", or "Inactive". You cannot permanently delete players if they have a score history in the system, so moving them to Inactive list. Only the league administrator can see players on the Inactive list. Some things to remember:

  • DO NOT just change the name of a player if you're removing one player and adding another. The player's score history is tied to that player, so if you just renamed him, the new player would inherit all of the scores from the old player.
  • DO make sure you have at least the number of players entered in your regular player list as what you have set for the Number of Player setting. You will not have confirmation that your player list is complete until you have the minimum number of players entered.

3. Set the Tee Times

If you increased the number of players in your league, you will need to set the tee times for the additional groups in your league.

4. Assigning Player Numbers

Each player in your league must be assigned a player number in Step 6-Assign Player Numbers of the leauge setup. If you have changed the status of any of your regular players (to a sub or an inactive player), then you will need to reassign those player numbers to another Active player, otherwise you will not be able to continue to create your schedule.

5. Create Your Schedule

Click on "Create/Edit Schedule" to create and edit your schedule! You CAN set your schedule manually (but why would you want to?), or you can auto scheduler to create your schedule if you do not have split tee times. Things to note:

  • You cannot change the player lineup or schedule for a round which already has scores entered
  • If you manually set a schedule, and enter scores for one or more rounds, and then use the autoscheduler for the remaining rounds, the auto scheduler will NOT recognize the manually entered rounds when creating the rest of the schedule, and you may end up with duplicate match ups.

2-Person Team Leagues

1. Set the Player Count

The number of 2-person teams is determined by how many players you set your league up for. Golf League Tracker requires an even number of teams, and will not let you enter a player count which does not create an even number of teams. If you have an odd number, then increase your player count to the next number which makes it an even team count, and you will add "ghost players" and assign them to a "ghost team".

2. Add Your Players

Once your player count is set, you will enter the player names into the system. Go into the Administration section, and click on Step 2-Maintain the Player List. Add your players as necessary. If you're setting up your league for another season after returning, you may need to remove players from this list, and add other players. If you're removing old players, you will need to change the status of the old player "Substitute", or "Inactive". You cannot delete players if they have a score history in the system, so moving them to Inactive list. Some things to remember:

  • DO NOT just change the name of a player if you're removing one player and adding another. The player's score history is tied to that player, so if you just renamed him, the new player would inherit all of the scores from the old player.
  • DO make sure you have at least the number of players entered in your regular player list as what you have set for the Number of Player setting. You will not have confirmation that your player list is complete until you have the minimum number of players entered.

3. Set the Tee Times

If you increased the number of players in your league, you will need to set the tee times for the additional groups in your league.

4. Assigning Player to Teams

Each team must be assigned two players in "Step 6-Assign Players to Teams" of the leauge setup. If you have changed the status of any of your regular players (to a sub or an inactive player), then you will need to reassign players to the teams they were on to active players, otherwise you will not be able to continue to create your schedule.

5. Create Your Schedule

Click on "Create/Edit Schedule" to create and edit your schedule! You CAN set your schedule manually (but why would you want to?), or you can auto scheduler to create your schedule if you do not have split tee times. Things to note:

  • You cannot change the team lineup or schedule for a round which already has scores entered
  • If you manually set a schedule, and enter scores for one or more rounds, and then use the auto scheduler for the remaining rounds, the auto scheduler will NOT recognize the manually entered rounds when creating the rest of the schedule, and you may end up with duplicate match ups.

Replacing Players

If a player drops out of the league and you have a replacement, you can assign the new player to that player's player or team number starting with a given round.

  • Add the new player to the player list (Administration -> League Setup -> Player List) if they don't exist. If you're moving a sub to the regular list, then edit the sub's profile and make that player a "Regular"
  • In the League Setup, go to "Step 6 - Assign Player Numbers" if an individual league, or " Step 6 - Assign Team Numbers" if a team league, and choose the week in which the new player will be starting
  • Click on the old player's name in the drop down list, and choose the new player, and click SAVE at the bottom of the screen
  • You can then go back to the Player List, edit the old player, and change him to a Sub or Inactive

You cannot change the old player to a sub or inactive if he's assigned a player or team number for a round which scores haven't been entered, otherwise your league setup will be incomplete. For example, if you assigned the new player starting with Round #4 and made the old player inactive, yet haven't entered scores for Round #3 yet, the system will deem your league setup to be inactive.

See this help video for more information.

Changing the Player Count Mid-Season

Adding Players or Teams Mid-Season

Adding players or teams will change your schedule, because the schedule needs to be updated either manually or with the auto generator to incorporate those new players or teams into the schedule. If you play a type of match play, you may end up with repeat matches moving forward, because the auto generator cannot take into account previous matches when creating future match-ups.

  1. Change the "Number of Players" setting #69 in your league settings to the new value. You must have an even number of players or teams. If you end up with an odd number, you must go up to the next even number and add a ghost player/team.
  2. Add your new players to your player list in League Setup -> Player List
  3. Set up the new Tee Times for the addition group in League Setup -> Set Tee Times if necessary.
  4. Assign your player or team a player/team in League Setup - Assign Player/Team Number
  5. Modify your schedule, either by manually editing each round to add the new players/teams, or by running Auto Generate Schedule for your future rounds. You cannot run Auto-Generate schedule for any rounds which already have 1 or more scores entered.

Removing Players or Teams Mid-Season

You cannot remove players or teams mid-season (meaning, once scores are entered), but you can replace a player who dropped out with a new player. If a player or team drop out without a replacement, you should treat those players as just being "absent" as you would any other time. The player essentially turns into a "ghost player". 

If you have two players (if an individual league) or two teams (if a team league) drop out, you can modify your schedule with minimal disruption:

  1. Edit the schedule of each future round (League Setup -> Scheduling -> Edit Schedule for a Single Round)
  2. Match up the two players or teams who dropped out so they are playing against (or with) each other each week
  3. This leaves two other players or teams remaining, who you then will match up against each other
  4. If desired, you can place the two players/teams in the first or last group of the tee times. If you have a 2-player team league, make them last. If you have an individual player league and one of your groups is now a two-some, you can move them first off. You can do this by dragging the group up or down in the order when editing
  5. You can remove the players/teams from the league standings if so desired. League Setup -> Step 6 Assign Players (Teams). Choose the round number where this change begins, and uncheck the "show in standings" checkbox for the appropriate players/teams

With match play, you may end up having repeat matches when this scenario occurs, however using this method will result in the fewest repeats.

Troubleshooting Player/Team Setup

Problem: No Checkmark next to Maintain the Player List

Reason: There aren't enough "regular players" entered.

  • Reduce the Number of Players value in your settings to match how many players you have entered
  • Enter more "regular" players so you have at least as many as your Number of Players setting

Problem: No Checkmark next to "Set Tee times"

Reason: If you've increased the number of players in your league, then one or more tee times need to be set for the additional groups.

Problem: No Checkmark next to "Assign Team/Player Number"

Reason: You don't have all of your players and/or teams assigned with Regular Players

  • If you moved a player from the Regular player list to the sub or inactive list, you need to replace him with another player
  • If you're reducing your player count at the start of the season, and moved some regular players to the sub or inactive list, you may need to reassign the other regular players to new player numbers. For example, if you've gone from 20 to 16 players, the players who were assigned to player numbers 17-20 will need to be reassigned to player numbers from 1-16.